2023 – 2024 SAC Meeting Dates
Location: Media Center
September 18, 2024 5:30 PM – 6:00 PM
December date will be coming
February 4, 2025 4:00 PM – 4:30 PM
May 1, 2025 4:30 PM – 5:00 PM
The purpose of the School Advisory Council is to promote communication and understanding among the school’s administration, faculty, students, the School Board, parents and community as a whole; to promote the interest and involvement of citizens, in a meaningful way, in educational affairs and operation problems and needs of individual schools and the school system; to promote the utilization of a valuable human resources within the County for the purpose of improving upon the effectiveness and the efficiency of individual schools, school programs and the school system as a whole. Membership on the Advisory Council is open to all parents and interested citizens in the attendance area of the school. Meetings are held on the 4th Thursday of each month at 6:00PM to involve the community and staff in planning for the expenditure of funds available to the school and in personnel and curriculum decisions.
The functions of the Advisory Committees may include but are not limited to:
- Participating in the decision making process by advising in and assisting with educational needs, establishing priorities, planning the educational program and budget resources, defining goals and evaluating the school and its academic effectiveness.
- Facilitating communication among school, parents and community.
- Informing and advising school staff of community conditions.
- Assisting in providing support to parents, teachers, students and community for school programs.
- Participation in the preparation of the Annual Report of School Progress.
- Advising of the impact of property development and zoning changes in the vicinity of the school on the safety, welfare, and educational opportunities of students.
- Defining problems or issues.
- Developing a speakers’ bureau of parents, students and school staff, etc. to operate community events.
- Review and approve the Title I Parent Involvement Plan and the School Improvement Plan.